Saturday 26 March 2011

The Girl Code Rules

The Girl Code is very important to most girls, it keeps order and makes sure all girlfriends keep together.
Girl Code has existed for generations, protecting and preserving friendships. Abide by Girl Code and you are sure to live a long, happy, drama-free life (at least when it comes to avoiding cat fights...)
I couldn’t help but wonder where this Girl Code comes from, is it made in every girl’s blood or is it something we learn for surviving? Are the girl code really for women, would we need it if there were no men? Do men has pushed us to make the girl code or does just every girl is filled with b*tchiness and has that insatiable need to complicate everything in life?  
1. Never, ever, under any circumstances date your friend's; exs, past crushes, guys who have humiliated/used her and guys she currently fancies... Do this at your own risk b*tch!! Even this IS the most important it is still very common not to observe. But if You break it forget about your girlfriend forever and prepare for the BIG catfight.
2. It is perfectly acceptable to take an automatic dislike to a girl/ judge them without ever speaking to them.  And that’s what WE, women, do all the time. Not the right clothes, hair, body or attitude (if it ever gets so far).
3. Never come down to Boyfriend illness. Yes, we are very good at rituals and for goodness sake if you do not attend one, there will definitely be gossips behind your back… and an intervention immediately. Do not choose a man over your best friend! Boys keep in mind: if you date a girl, you date her best friends too, that’s how it is and it will never ever change just for you...
4. You are to never diss a friend's boyfriend, except to agree lightly or nod when she says he's being an asshole. (In most cases it is easier to nod.) The ONLY exception is if the guy cheated or dumped your friend, it is exceptional for you to claim he isn't good enough, and that she deserves better as well as reminding her that he was an asshole anyway.
5. If you change boyfriends so fast they rarely achieve name status, a man must be around for at least six weeks before you make your friends bother to learn his first name. Until such time, he should be referred to as “The Boy” or “That Guy”.
6. Every girl must wait at least a day and a half before calling a guy whose number she has retrieved.
7. If you want to date a friend's brother, it is required that you get said friends permission.
8. No girl may have more than one ‘Love of her Life’ at one time, though having a boyfriend and a ‘Love of her Life’ is fine.
9. No girl shall borrow an item of clothing without asking the clothing owner’s permission, unless both have made an official decision to waive this rule in the context of their friendship.
10. The penalty for exposing a secret to an unauthorized party shall be exile from Girlville. BUT, a girl who can substantially claim that she was not aware that a piece of information was a secret at the time she exposed it shall not be subject to punishment.
11. If a girl gets up to go to the bathroom in a public place, the friend in her company must go with her.
12. Inside jokes are not to be explained to outsiders.
13. Chicks before Dicks. ALWAYS.
14. In a case where a friend spreads a horrible rumor about a friend and then apologizes, they are to be given the cold-shoulder for minimum of 3 days.
15. In a fight between a friend and her boyfriend you must always choose your friends side.
16. Never insult your friend, but never let your friend leave the house looking hideous. Find a better way to tell your friend how they look.
Eg. "I think your other jeans are nice", "You should wear less eyeliner, you have great eyes".
17. When a friend is drunk, never allow her to dial, drive or leave with a random guy.
18. When a friend calls you up complaining about how she is drunk and can’t go home, you must allow her to stay at your house, without letting your parents (if you live with them) find out.
19. Stop being the “Me too!” girl If your friend is telling a story, stop stealing her thunder – and her story – by constantly trying to one-up her. For example:
GIRL 1: I had a horrible day. My flat iron broke in the middle of straightening, I missed the bus by two seconds and was late for school, my teacher yelled at me for something Sally did, and I got into a fight with Jason over whose family we’re spending Thanksgiving with.
GIRL 2: Oh that’s horrible. The same thing happened to me today, only I stepped in gum on the subway platform too. And when I went to scrape it off, I tripped and ripped my stockings and it reminded me of the time I was at my ex-boyfriend’s place for Christmas…
20. Be a responsible friend and not a ‘Yes-Girl’. If a friend is asking you if she should get back together with her ex who cheated on her, never wanted to hang out with her and than blamed her for them breaking up, and you say ‘Yes’, than you’re a bad friend. Friends are supposed to protect and help friends. SO say your part even if they don’t like what you have to say.
21. Don’t be a hater. If a girl walks in looking gorgeous, girls automatically try to find something bad about her. But who knows? She could have just lost a friend, or got dumped, etc. So be nice and stop hating.
22. Don’t EVER go against the Girl Code.

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